Tag Archives: Thoth

Cannabis Service Weekend on Smile Jamaica: Read your Bible!

Celebrating 1 Year on the Web at the Smile Jamaica Ark-Ives! Selah


***From the Smile Jamaica Ark-Ives legal offices of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe, please read the following disclaimer***

**The operator of the Smile Jamaica Ark-Ives wishes those reading to know that we do not endorse, encourage or engage in illegal activity. These writings are in spirit with anti-authoritarian subcultures and are meant solely for informational and or educational purposes only. Edutaiment isn’t illegal….yet***)

Herbert Spliffington, Esq. Legal counsel for the Smile Jamaica Ark-Ives. From the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe

4 down, 46 to go!

A year ago I finally turned aspiration into action. And after 25 years of Reggae Radio decided it was time for the Smile Jamaica blog. One more guy on the Internet with an opinion.

I started it out with the 20 Days of Cannabis Service Month. But it mainly became a forum to upload the Smile Jamaica Playlists and links to the Smile Jamaica Show Archives Podcasts. Or Ark-Ives as I call it. As in Black Ark – Lee “Scratch” Perry.

I quickly developed the system of cutting up 3 hours of Radio sound into soundbytes, clips and Reggae History Lessons. Upload the .mp3s. Add some photos and captions. How do you liven up a long list of songs? Week after week. Year after year for a quarter century.

So a year later, I have a crocus bag full of Cannabis Soundbytes. The Seven Leaf Symphony.

<Cannabis History Reggae Lesson – Crocus Bag; 16 sec.>

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Filled this crocus bag with about a 100 Seven Leaf sound bytes over the past year on the Smile Jamaica blog

So for the 4:20 Weekend, I am going to string a whole heap of air checks from Smile Jamaica that talk about the Seven Leaf:

Read your Bible: 30 sec.

The Holy Bible. For reading not rolling

Roll a lickle spliff with di papyrus

Hey Thoth. You have any papyrus so we can smoke a little Sensimenia on our trip to Mesopotamia?

Smile Jamaica – Healing of the Nations (Revelations 22: 2); 30 sec.

Revelation  22:2. New Testament

It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.

Ergo, partake of the Seven Leaf with a fresh crop each month for the healing of the nation. Come together as a community in harmony

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Yeah, it’s from the Bible


Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it

There was no tobacco in the Holy Land during Old Testament times. That was green smoke emanating from the Israelite nasal passages

It’s not recreational. It is Biblical


<Don’t h8, time to appreciate!; 2 sec.>

Don’t be a gerbil. Get down with the herbal!